Level 2, 826 Ann Street, Fortitude Valley,
QLD, 4006
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Level 2, 826 Ann Street, Fortitude Valley,
QLD, 4006
Connect with us!
Our Practice
Australia's employment laws change with alarming regularity. The pace of change can often obscure the fact that two important elements of a successful business are simplicity and flexibility. Our lawyers aim to provide practical, easy to understand legal advice that enables you to adjust to these changes and solve your employment problems as simply and quickly as possible.
Unlike many other firms of a similar size and experience, we act for both employers and employees in a variety of workplace and industrial relations disputes.
Our lawyers regularly appear as advocates before the Fair Work Commission, the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission, the Queensland Human Rights Commission, the Australian Human Rights Commission, and the Federal Supreme, District and Magistrates Courts.
We act for employers and employees from the construction, manufacturing, automotive, biotechnology, information technology, hospitality, property and transport industries, the medical and accounting professions, and the small business sector.
At Shand Taylor Lawyers, we focus on preparing simple, practical employment contracts, policies and other workplace agreements to manage the risk of employment-related disputes.
Our team also works closely with clients towards the swift resolution of industrial disputes through constructive negotiation and by using the conciliation process of the Fair Work Commission and the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission. If parties are unable to resolve their differences, we help our clients negotiate the complexities of industrial litigation.
Our Expertise
Our team regularly assists employers and employees with:
Unfair dismissal disputes
Adverse action claims
The interpretation of awards, contracts, and industrial agreements
Workplace bullying
Enterprise bargaining
Redundancy issues
Termination of employment
The preparation of employment contracts
Post-employment obligations including the use of confidential information and intellectual property
Discrimination and equal opportunity claims
Sexual harassment investigations and claims
Industrial disputes
Workplace health and safety
Privacy disputes
Independent contractors' agreements
Internal disciplinary proceedings and investigations
Responding to "show cause" letters issued by employers to employees
Fixed Fee Employment Law Packages
At Shand Taylor Lawyers we are conscious of the expense and time it takes for a business to establish its own suite of employment and HR documents. For this reason, we offer the below fixed fee arrangements which provide employers with high quality template documents at an affordable price.
Package Type | Inclusions | Package Cost |
Employment law package
Employment contract (permanent, part time, casual - pick two)
Independent contractor agreement
Letter of offer
Letter re: successful probation
Letter re: unsuccessful probation
First warning letter
Final warning letter
Termination letter
$4,500 plus GST
Workplace policies package
Privacy policy
Working from home policy
Sexual harassment policy
Social media policy
Vehicle policy
Whistle-blower policy
Drug and alcohol policy
Annual leave policy
Code of conduct
$5,500 plus GST for all
$3,000 plus GST for 3
Employment advisory support
By negotiation - please call us to discuss
Regular, tailored employment law and HR advice, dependent on your budget and business needs
What does each fixed fee package include?
A one hour consultation with one of our lawyers to discuss your business requirements and provide you with a fixed fee quote for our services
Drafting the required documents
A one hour consultation with one of our lawyers to discuss the implementation of these documents within your business
What is excluded from each fixed fee package?
Complex or specialised advice about the appropriateness of these documents for certain employees or contractors within your business. If you wish for us to prepare bespoke employment contracts or independent contractor agreements, please contact us to discuss your requirements
Advice about taxation, insurance, limitation of liability and other complex matters. We can provide this advice separately to our fixed fee packages - please contact us to discuss your requirements
Employment contracts for certain employees in the real estate industry - please contact us to discuss your requirements to enable us to determine if we can provide you with a fixed fee package
Significant amendments to the documents once the drafted documents have been provided to you
Related Articles
We have prepared various helpful articles and quick guides to assist employers on dealing with various issues which arise in the employment lifecycle on our Employment Law Blog.
What employers need to know about Australia's "right to disconnect" laws
Rude awakening for Employers: Employer Liability for Employee's drunken Act
An employer's guide to paying employees correctly
When contract is king: An overview of two recent employment decisions of the High Court
High Court settles period of casual employment confusion
Can an employer make COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory in the workplace?
Deliveroo Loses Unfair Dismissal case – Drivers are Employees, not Independent Contractors.
Changes to casual employment - What you need to know
Our Team
Please refer your enquiries to:
John Sneddon, Director
(07) 3307 4504
Kimberley Forman, Director
(07) 3307 4523
Ruby Nielsen, Senior Associate
(07) 3307 4551
Sophia Chetcuti, Lawyer
(07) 3307 4515